
Integritetspolicy & Leveransvillkor

Privacy Policy for the LogMyDrive driving log service

The name of the registry: The LogMyDrive service’s user registry

The data controller of the registry: If service is ordered by a private person, Aspicore Ltd is the holder of the registry.

If the service is ordered by a business customer, the business customer acts as the data controller of the registry and Aspicore Ltd is the data processor.

Aspicore Ltd is responsible for administrating the registry. Data protection supervisor for Aspicore is Juha Tanner, juha.tanner@aspicore.com, 0400-424812.

Use of personal data

Information in the service is used for creating a vehicle’s driving log, supervising vehicle location and need for maintenance, creating and managing travel invoices and monitoring working hours. The customer (private person or business) decides to what extent they use the service.

Handling personal information is based on the consent of the data subject and the data controller’s legitimate interest. Personal data can be processed in regards to invoicing, technical support and service improvement. The business customer as a data controller designates, for which other purposes it uses data in the service.

What data can be collected?

  • User’s email address and username
  • User’s postal address
  • User’s password
  • User’s role (User/Supervisor/Power user/Admin)
  • Mobile phone or tracking device serial number (IMEI) or other identification number
  • Telephone number
  • Vehicle details
  • Vehicle location information (time, coordinates, speed, cell tower)
  • Drive details (addresses, times, speed, notes)
  • Travel invoice content

Sources of information

Employees and other registered persons’ personal data is collected from their own input, as well as from tracking devices and mobile phones used with the service. The customer can add users to their account and complement user information.

The principles of register protection

The data is saved on servers managed by Aspicore Ltd that are protected with appropriate physical and technical means. The data is located in databases, which only specified Aspicore administrators have access to.

For how long is the data stored?

Data is stored until the data controller deletes them or requests Aspicore to delete the data from the system. Aspicore may delete the data after 3 months of contract expiration. Aspicore may decide to store the data after contract expiration, if the customer has not requested for deletion of the data.

The rights of the data subject

The registered customer has the right to check their data in the register, request a copy of their personal data and request changes to erroneous data. Requests must be sent to the data controller in writing. After a request, the data controller may request a person to provide proof of their identity to verify the request. A business customer is responsible for the rights of the data subject. Aspicore Ltd ensures that it is possible for the data controller to ensure the rights of the data subject, so that the data controller can, for example, check, correct and delete data.

Transferring personal data

If Aspicore is the controller, it will not transfer personal data other than what is necessary for providing the service. Personal data can be transferred outside of the EU to provide the service, in which case Aspicore ensures the data security and the trustworthiness of its partners.

Forwarding personal data

The data controller is responsible for relinquishing personal data. Aspicore Ltd can relinquish information when provided a written request by the authorities.

Updating the privacy policy

We update this privacy policy when changing our activities or data protection principles, or when required by changes in legislation. The time of latest updates is marked on the privacy policy.

LogMyDrive data security

The service is provided by Aspicore Ltd and we are responsible for its data security. Data security has been well considered already in the planning of the system and it fulfills the GDPR requirements for data protection and by default. We ensure that external parties do not have access to the data and that we only handle the data when necessary. From Aspicore staff, only specified administrators have access to the data, based on its relevance to their tasks with LogMyDrive. We make daily backups of the data and our database is duplicated to prevent loss of data.

If you have any questions about data security, you can contact us by phone or email at admin@logmydrive.com.

The delivery terms of the LogMyDrive service

LogMyDrive means the electronic driving logbook service supplied by Aspicore Ltd.

Tracking device means a device used for collecting location data, supplied with the service, or a mobile phone which is compatible for use with the LogMyDrive mobile application.

Service description

The Customer can use the service to automate the making of a driving logbook, utilising the tracking device in the collection of location data and the driving logbook services of the LogMyDrive web service on a browser, to complete and print the driving logbook.

Use of the LogMyDrive driving logbook service requires a web browser. The user signs in to the service using an email address and a password.

The technical limitations of the tracking device

A GPS signal may not always be available, for example, when the vehicle is travelling through a tunnel. As the routing is based on GPS, correct routing cannot be guaranteed in all such situations. Logbook records may appear with a delay in cases of disruptions with data processing or with connecting to the device. If a mobile phone is used as the tracking device, its location in the vehicle can affect the GPS connection. Use of the LogMyDrive app has an effect on the battery consumption of the mobile phone.

The creation and cancellation of the agreement

The agreement is created when the Customer orders the LogMyDrive service and the service has been activated for the Customer.

The agreement can be continuous or fixed term. The service is invoiced in periods of 3-12 months in advance.

A continuous agreement expires at the end of the period during which the Customer cancels the agreement. The cancellation may be made by the Customer in writing or by email. When the agreement has concluded, the location information of the Customer’s vehicle can no longer be sent to the service. The Customer, however, still has the right to use the LogMyDrive web service for a period of two months after the expiry of the agreement and can print or transfer the information contained in the driving logbook.

The service provider may cancel the agreement if it is not possible to supply the Customer with a high-quality service. If the Customer has overdue invoices, the service provider may limit access to the service and stop data traffic from the tracking device until invoices have been paid.

The introduction of the service

The service provider supplies the Customer with a personal username and password, with which the Customer will be able to use the service through a browser. If the tracking device requires installation to a vehicle, the Customer is responsible for arranging the installation.

If a mobile phone is used as the tracking device, a location information application which is compatible with the LogMyDrive service must be installed, and its utility programmes must be up-to-date.

Information security and privacy protection

The LogMyDrive service is located on a properly secure server, from which backup copies are made regularly. The Customer is obligated to store their account information and passwords carefully and not to disclose them to any third party.

The pricing of the service

Service charges are collected for the introduction of the service and additional services according to the LogMyDrive price list. The service may also offer promotional rates to customers. The price of the service includes data expenses within the EU area for the tracking device, but not the data expenses for a mobile phone used as a tracking device.

User Support

Customer support is handled via the support function included in the LogMyDrive service, or by e-mail. The contact individual determined by business clients has the right to utilise telephone support through the service provider’s customer service. The call centre is open Mon-Fri from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

The responsibility for delays

In so far as the service is substantially delayed, the service provider may credit the Customer with the service charges, if the Customer has notified the service provider of the disruption in the service and the service provider has not corrected the problem within a reasonable time.

The responsibility for the service

The service provider is responsible for functions of the tracking device when used correctly as well as for the functionality of the service. The service provider is not responsible for any damages that may result from using the service or as a result of not being able to utilise the service. In all cases, the liability of the service provider is limited to the monetary value that the Customer has paid for the service.

Force Majeure

The parties are freed, according to the agreement, from their liabilities for the period and to the extent that the failure to meet the agreement obligations is due to a force majeure. The principle of the freeing from liabilities is seen to be an event that prevents the fulfilment of the agreement and the emergence of such an unusual event that has such an influence and has emerged after the agreement has begun, which is independent of the parties, and whose effects cannot be reasonably avoided or overcome. Such an event may be, for example, a war, insurrection, requisition or confiscation for general needs, an interruption in energy supplies, industrial disputes, satellite malfunctions, a fire, thunderstorm or other natural phenomenon, cable damage caused by a third party, operator data transmission interruptions or any other reason which has an equivalent effect and is independent of the contracting party.

The liability of the Customer

The Customer is responsible for ensuring that the information that they have provided is accurate. In so far as the information regarding the Customer is subject to change, the Customer is obligated to provide the new information in writing or by e-mail. The Customer is obligated to use the service in accordance with the law and morality, and to ensure that it does not cause harm to the functioning of the service.

The Customer is obligated to follow the guidelines provided for use of the service. Compliance with the guidelines ensures smooth operation of the service. The service provider has the right, without prior notice, to prevent or interrupt the supply of the service to the Customer, in so far as the Customer is deemed to have violated these terms.

Subcontracting and transferal of the agreement

The service provider has the right to employ a subcontractor to carry out the tasks included in the agreement. The party concerned will pay the subcontracting expenses from their own share.

The Customer may not transfer this agreement to a third party without the consent of Aspicore Ltd. Aspicore Ltd has the right to transfer the agreement to a third party.


Any disagreements are primarily to be attempted to come to an agreeable conclusion through joint negotiations. If the dispute cannot be resolved through these negotiations, they will be dealt with in the general court of the place of domicile of the supplier.

Contact information

Aspicore Ltd (Business ID 673355-5), Gräsantörmä 2, 02200 ESPOO,
Telephone (+358) 9 6219 1045, www.aspicore.com

Updated 29.11.2024